Annual Meeting

Each year ASA members meet and host Acarology focused symposia in conjunction with the Entomological Society of America’s annual meeting. Calls for contributed papers are typically in February and students are also invited to participate in competitions for monetary awards. Please join your fellow Acarologists this year at our annual meeting and consider contributing a paper in future symposia!

This year, the ASA annual meeting will be held in Phoenix, AR (Nov. 10th to Nov. 13th, 2024). We have two symposia scheduled:

1) Current Advances in Acarology: organized by Alexandra Revynthi and Orlando Combita. This symposium provides a forum for a diverse group of researchers whose work forwards our applied, ecological, and systematic knowledge of the Acari to present groundbreaking research to others in the field. It is open to any member including students interested in our student presentation competition.

2) Acarology Research Methodologies: From Lab to Field: organized by Amy Murillo and Emilie Demard. This symposium will provide an exchange of ideas, methods, and techniques for researchers at any stage interested in starting their journey with mites or expanding to new taxa or areas of research.

Student Presentation Competition

The student abstract award winners this year are:
  • 1st Place – Paola Villamarin – Potential of essential oils against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae)
  • 2nd Place – Sofía Gonzalez Salazar – A survey of soil oribatid diversity and community structure in a Madrean sky island in Southeastern Arizona, US
  • 3rd Place – Marielle Berto – Phoretic mites associated with ambrosia beetles in Florida avocados and their potential use in IPM
  • 3rd Place – Daysi López-Baltazar – Diversity and ecology of intertidal soil mites on the coast of Sonora, Mexico


Soon we will seek speakers for the symposia of the Acarological
Society of America (ASA), to be held at the 2025 ESA meeting in
Portland, OR (Nov. 9th to Nov. 12th). If you are interested in presenting, please contact us ( or

For more information about upcoming meetings visit

David Nielsen

Governing Board Member

Annual Meeting Pictures